About the Program
While no one can calculate the full value/return on investment (ROI) of building and sustaining psychological safety at work, the benefits are undeniable. Any reported ROI calculation relating to psychological safety initiatives will certainly be an understatement.
As highlighted by Professor Amy Edmondson, one of the benefits of psychological safety is often the avoidance of significant failures because people are speaking up about potential hazards and risks. It is hard to quantify the value of averted catastrophes.
From an investment perspective, the cost of not effectively managing such risks outweighs the investment cost of doing so. Additionally, the funds are likely already available within business-as-usual budget allocations. However, reprioritisation may be needed – for example, the reallocation of some training and development budget funds.
This program is designed to equip leaders through focus on:
- Inside-out leadership development
- The ability to set the scene for psychological safety with teams
- Inviting participation and authentically receiving contributions
- Role modelling the right behaviours and language
- Championing clear and effective communication
- Contrasting authentic, whole person engagement versus narrow, performance-only focus
- Being receptive to constructive feedback
- Empowerment and accountability of teams, and more…
Key Features
Tailor-made programs are developed and may include some or all the program elements based on client needs. Program Facilitators are conversant with Australian legislation and codes of practice and also the ISO 45003 International Standard on psychological health and safety at work, and guidelines for managing psychosocial risks.